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As parents, we look over our child’s skin regularly for rashes, irritated areas, or anything that appears abnormal. When we see something new or unusual, we often consult our primary care pediatrician, which is a good first step. When is it time to visit a pediatric dermatologist? Learn about what pediatric dermatologists do and when it makes sense to book your first appointment in this article.

Pediatric dermatologists see patients from birth through their teenage years with skin conditions.

newborn skincare

What is the best age to start seeing a dermatologist?

The best age to see a dermatologist is when a skin condition is present. Skin conditions can appear in newborns. Your child can see a pediatric dermatologist as early as a few days after birth.

Pediatric dermatologists are trained to diagnose and treat the youngest of patients.

Common Newborn Skin Conditions


Baby Acne

Cradle Cap


Toxic Erythema (common newborn rash)

About our Pediatric Dermatology Practice

  • The best age to start seeing a dermatologist for a regular exam when no known skin issue exists is the mid-twenties. In your twenties, you may start seeing more moles and sun damage to the skin.

A child’s skin differs from the skin of an adult. It is thinner and can be ultra-sensitive and prone to hormonal fluctuations.

If your child has problems with his or her hair, nails, or skin, whether it is adolescent acne or a diaper rash that won’t go away, a pediatric dermatologist can help. These doctors are experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of various pediatric skin issues.

Pediatric dermatologists carefully determine whether the skin condition affecting your child reflects some underlying disease or health condition, or whether it increases the child’s vulnerability to other health conditions. For example, a child who is affected by eczema may be at risk of food allergies.

Skin Conditions Treated by Pediatric Dermatologists

  • Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
  • Acne
  • Psoriasis
  • Infections including warts and molluscum contagiosum
  • Hair loss
  • Skin cancer
  • Ringworm
  • Vitiligo
  • Vascular and pigmented birthmarks

No child is too young to be examined for skin cancer. If you are concerned about your child, you make an appointment with a dermatologist. Treatment can be more effective when it is diagnosed earlier.

What kind of treatments are offered by a pediatric dermatologist?

  • Surgery and excision (Mohs surgery is used to treat skin cancer.)
  • Injectable and topical immunotherapy
  • Excimer and pulsed dye laser therapies
  • Photodynamic therapy and phototherapy (using UVA and UVB treatments).
  • Topical medications

Pediatric dermatology: There’s no better care for your child

Children differ from adults. They may be unable to express their concerns and symptoms. Pediatric dermatologists are trained to gather information from both children and their caregivers.

Many pediatric disorders do not occur in adults. Common disorders, like psoriasis, are uniquely expressed in children. Experienced pediatric dermatologists are able to accurately diagnose and treat skin conditions affecting children, including the management of medications.

Suncoast Skin Solutions has several dermatologists on staff who see both children and adults. Call our Florida dermatologist locator line for more information at 813.321.1786

Suncoast Skin Solutions is Florida’s “Most Trusted” Dermatology. Our doctors take a personalized approach to patient care for both children and adults. Our pediatric dermatologists are focused on providing treatments that meet your child’s personal, cultural, and developmental needs from birth and all through the period of adolescence. If your pediatrician refers your child to a pediatric dermatologist in Florida, rest assured that Suncoast Skin Solutions will provide the ultimate care and take the time to explain the details of your child’s condition and treatment options.