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truSculpt® in Florida

What is truSculpt®?

truSculpt is the latest nonsurgical, no downtime procedure that’s clinically proven to target problem areas on the body that are resistant to diet and exercise, like cellulite.

How does truSculpt work?

truSculpt is an energy-based procedure that delivers controlled, yet comfortable, doses of therapeutic heat to the target zone, firming and smoothing problem areas over time.

Who is right for truSculpt?

truSculpt is the ideal alternative for both women and men that live a healthy lifestyle but have problem areas that neither a NO-carb, NO-sugar diet nor any amount of crunches or 5K runs can resolve.

How many treatments are required?

2 to 4 treatment sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimal results.

Controlled heat is delivered to the deep subcutaneous tissue layer.

While results vary by patient, results have been seen as early as 4 weeks, with optimal results typically achieved at 12 weeks.

Is the treatment painful?

While pain varies from patient-to-patient, most truSculpt patients find the procedure comfortable and therapeutic.

Can I return to daily activities following the treatment?

Yes. truSculpt is a no downtime procedure giving you the freedom to return to your daily activities immediately post treatment.

Left: Photo courtesy of Steadfast Physical Therapy ; Center: Photo courtesy of K, Azar, M.D.. ; Right: Photo courtesy of B. Padilla, M.D.

Still Have Questions?

Schedule An Appointment Online Now to meet with one of our providers. If you need to speak by phone please call us at 1-844-SUNDERM.