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What Causes Psoriasis – Is it Contagious

Psoriasis often presents itself after contracting strep throat or getting a serious sunburn or even a scratch or cut. Scientists believe if you have a psoriasis episode after such a trigger, it all likely started with genes and a predisposition to the disease. Imagine...

Relief from Hives

Hives are raised, red welts on the skin resulting from an itchy rash, usually triggered by an allergen. Approximately 20% of us will experience hives at some in our lives. Knowing how to achieve relief from hives when they occur is key to comfort and reduced family...

What You Should Know Before Getting Microneedling

So you have done your research and are ready to move forward with microneedling. You set time in your schedule and make an appointment. You have everything set even the downtime away from friends to avoid the “What did you have done?” questions. If you find out you...

Is Rosacea Contagious?

When you first notice frequent flushing on your face, you may have a condition called rosacea. If your dermatologist confirms you do have rosacea, your first thought may be, “I don’t want anyone to see me like this.” The good news is, it’s treatable. The second...

5 Common Skin Rashes in Adults

Imagine waking up Monday morning with a rash that covers most of your face? Getting it evaluated moves to the top task on your priority list for the day. Most of us have had periodic rashes as adults. Seeing a rash appear on your skin can be alarming. Rashes call also...